San Fermin

San Fermin

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San Fermin is a lot built from dozens of small producers in south Tolima. Etched out of the mountains, situated in some of the most remote locations each farm is only a few hectares. Farmers must cross rivers and trek through jungles before they can load dirt bikes and carts pulled by donkeys, to get the coffee to our partners at the local warehouse.

The producers of San Fermin are a key part of who we are, and we have two ongoing projects that celebrate that relationship. Our yearly producer competition recognises these truly exceptional lots. Additionally, we have committed to purchasing a drier with our local partners, Caravela. This will save the producers having to return the coffee all the way back to their farms if it still needs some further drying, saving them extra time and effort.



Espresso: 1:2 coffee to water, extracted in 28-32 secs
Filter: 60-65g coffee per litre of water, brewed for 3-4 mins


Roast & despatch days are currently Monday to Friday. All orders placed after midnight on Thursday will be roasted and despatched on Monday. 


We create a new and unique profile for each coffee we roast. Although the profiles are different, our approach is always the same, to highlight and accentuate the flavours created at the farm and mill. This means we don’t label our coffees as espresso, filter, dark or light roast. All of our coffees are omni-roast, meant to be delicious however you brew. We believe the heart of speciality is keeping the identity and character of every coffee intact and alive, no matter the brew method.


This coffee may be rested before being despatched
