The Loft House Blend

The Loft House Blend

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Missing your LOFT coffee? Massive chocolate notes, big body and caramelised cherry like fruity finish. The Artisan creation that shows milk who's boss. 




45% Aceh Province Sumatra

40% Fazenda Serra Rica Minas Gerais Brazil

15% Karisimbi Wet Mill, Gicumbi, Northern Province, Rwanda 

Cultivar:  P88, Mundo Novo, Icatu, Yellow Catuaí, and Bourbon

Process:  Wet Hulled, Natural and Fully Washed

Altitude:  950m - 2200m asl





Our house blend Janszoon has been around since Artisan Roast first started and remains one of our most popular coffees to this day. It's an oldie but a goldie and Janszoon version 2.0 is the latest iteration.

 Its big, full-bodied and syrupy sweet and a coffee where a balance of taste and flavour to allow for delicious coffee whether brewed as a white or black drink was central to the blend. This makes it perfect either as an espresso, latte or for a full-bodied punchy filter to start the morning.

 The current version has three speciality grade arabica coffees each of which has its own unique roast profile to develop the optimum taste experience. High altitude Sumatran coffees as ever are the central part of the blend and provide both deep chocolate bass notes and hints of heady tropical fruits. This chocolate-like character is enhanced by the milk chocolate, caramel and berry notes of

the natural process coffee from Fazenda Serra Rica in southern Brazil. Milk chocolate flavours also are a characteristic of the final component, a high grown washed Bourbon arabica from Karisimbi washing station in Northern Rwanda. Karisimbi also brings some orange citrus structure to the blend and helps refine the mouthfeel into a smooth, dense, and syrupy experience.

 Overall this gives a versatile blend with a wide sweet spot heavily focused on rich chocolate notes, underlying caramels and fruit sweetness. We recommend the following recipe as a starting point for pulling an espresso on your home machine:


Dose: 18-20 grams
Brew Ratio: 1:1.85 to 1:2
Brew temperature: 93ºC-94.5ºC
Brew time: 27-30 sec